Strengthen processes, align technologies and improve productivity

Complete pit-to-plant coverage means market-leading solutions throughout the mining process chain, as well as knowledge and optimised practices that can deliver new possibilities for you to improve productivity and lower costs.


We utilize advanced crushing, grinding, and screening techniques to process ores and minerals to the desired particle size. Our team ensures that the right comminution process is chosen based on the specific characteristics of the minerals and the desired end-product specifications.


Get the most in cost benefit from IPCC

In-pit crushing and conveying solutions can cut truck fleets and reduce operational costs for green- and brownfield operations. Following recent acquisitions in this area, we can deliver credible and integrated solutions from primary crushing to tailings handling. The deepest range of In-Pit Crushing and Conveying (IPCC) options in the mining industry are now available to you through one provider. The assortment of market-leading excavators and IPCC solutions provide uniquely compact, flexible, and fully mobile/relocatable options, allowing you to improve throughput and productivity and lower capital expenditure (CAPEX), operating expenses (OPEX) and other operating costs.

For instance, cutting truck fleets is one of the main reasons for looking at IPCC solutions, and operators are increasingly discovering how conveyors can be the most economical approach when transporting material from A to B. Previously operators looked at shovel-to-truck. Now practically every greenfield project, every expansion project and even brownfield operations are investigating alternatives to shovel and truck. There is also growing interest from greenfield operators, even those who have not previously introduced any conveyors. We are working with them to show the potential cost-benefit and productivity gains that a conveyor system can deliver in terms of lower OPEX, more robust operations and less downtime.

Complete from pit to plant

Together we can look at how well one piece of equipment is performing and how its performance is affecting other parts of the flowsheet downstream. For example, crusher selection is a key discipline in introducing IPCC, but we also know that crusher selection is not the end of the story. Since we also deliver downstream solutions, we are familiar with the whole process and can deliver credible and integrated solutions looking at the whole mining value chain from pit to plant.

Digital access to all equipment

With the IPCC equipment included in our flow sheet, it is also part of our ongoing extensive digitalization programme. This allows digital access to all key processes and equipment. We can now digitalize your entire supply chain to provide pro-active condition monitoring and data collection, identifying damage or wear ahead of any failure, even on mobile IPCC and stacking equipment. The data can be benchmarked with best practise and used to optimise the production. We keep investing in being on the forefront of IPCC systems and Dry Tailing Stacking technologies going forward. This will allow customers to reduce total cost of ownership and increase throughput in order to increase their productivity.